Just do it!

Oh the procrastination! Today I found that I was my own worst enemy. I was sabotaging my own success. The success to find motivation. Did you know motivation doesnt come naturally?

People arent born motivated. People find motivation. Some people might need different strategies for igniting their motivation but we all have it, we just have to find it and remember what it is we are motivated for.

For me I found that I kept putting up road blocks to my own success on a particular project I have been working on for the past 18 months. None of the road blocks were really show stoppers just strategies to delay progress. Until I learnt the power of why. I kept asking myself “why am I dong this?” “why do I want to do this?” on and on I kept asking myself why. I started to write down the why, first I started with my big picture objective, then I asked myself why I wanted to achieve that, then why again and why again until finally I reached my true, honest, actual why. One that had meaning, one I could in the most succinct way identify why I wanted to finish this project and what it meant to do so.

I put this Why statement on my fridge and in my office and I am not beyond putting it on my bedside if I continue to lack the motivation I need! But today I achieved more in a 12 hour period than I had in 18 months. Simply because I asked WHY!


Grief - Its a journey with no destination and no schedule