Taking A Mental Health Day 

Mental health - its just as important as a looking after your skin, your hair, the food you eat.

I often ponder on what a mental health day looks for me. Then I realise that I am one of the lucky ones, I get to spend each day with my horses so why on earth would I need a mental health day. The answer is that I still need a day. A day here or there to do something other than the normal, the usual or the repetitive. Infact in this photo I was dragged to the beach on a day I had no time and on a day I saw the immense effort of loading horses and going to the beach as an absolute waste of my time.

The reality was I needed it. So did the horses! All too often we see a mental health day as needing too much effort, possibly a waste of productive time for some and for others a selfish act. But if we dont take time out to look after our minds then we become bogged down in the detail, we loose sight of the bigger picture and fail to find the joy. Thats why I developed the immersive program, an opportunity for those willing, to put down the phone, take off the smart watch, take out the ear buds and actually hear the birds, the leaves blowing in the wind and the horses snorting as they forage for tasty morsels of hay. For me mixing up horse feeds has become my daily norm but for others its the basic mundane duty away from daily activity and demands that offers a mental health day. To care for an animal, see see an animal happy, a tummy full of food, a trough of fresh clean water. Wholesome enjoyment the city doesnt offer.

Dont feel guilty for booking that massage, or for heading to the sports lounge to watch a game or car race. Infact dont feel guilty for taking that HQ out of the shed and giving it a wash an polish that seems to go for hours. That simple activity might be the difference between yesterday’s mundane and tomorrows adventure with a fresh and invigorated mind.


Grief - Its a journey with no destination and no schedule


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